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User Experience Design


Working Prototype App, Case Study


Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

The opportunity was to design a mobile app that could intrigue college students, benefit them, and make their life easier.  From this, “Yummy” was created. This mobile app is designed to intrigue more college students into cooking at home and eating healthier rather than buying fast food. This helps them save money, learn new recipes, and interact with other people. 


The overall design of this app is a social media recipe app. The user can create an account, post recipes, and receive likes and follows. This is the perfect way to catch college students' attention, as they are very absorbed in social media. This helps encourage them to cook at home and look at recipes while also having fun, building a community, and earning likes. 


The color palette chosen for this app is colors that cause hunger. The colors chosen are orange, pink, and white. This is because, based on research, warm colors help arouse hunger in people. Especially orange and red. Still wanting to capture the target audience, choosing pink would be better than a harsh red color. This is because red can often hurt people’s eyes on mobile apps. It would ultimately do more harm than good. Overall, Yummy is a fun, interactive mobile app that will save college students money, encourage community, and provide learning.

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