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Modal FA2


User Experience Design 


Dorm Chair for AU Students, Case Study, Booklet


Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

The current chair in Anderson University dorm rooms fails to create a sense of ease in the student's personal space, and a survey found that over half of the students find the university's provided desk chair physically and mentally uncomfortable. The team created a dorm chair based on the student's needs, focusing on comfort and a long-lasting and intentional design. The chair should include natural elements and comfortable seating positions, as studies show that natural elements can help with mental health issues.

The research involved a survey of students who suggested improvements to the current chair, such as more cushions, increased back support, stability, and a more visually pleasing design. The team incorporated, biophilic design, which focuses on improving mood and well-being, benefits college students with poor mental health. The study of
ergonomics guided the final design.

The Model FA2 is a new, improved version of the dorm chair.
It focuses on comfortability,
functionality, long-lasting materials, and natural elements for mental health. The chair is made at ¾ scale, similar to a toddler chair, and features three cushions for comfort. The fabric is a warm, deep green, and the chair is made of 100% cotton, a sustainable material known for its long-lasting durability and ability to relieve stress. The model is close to the full-size model for better visualization.

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